Blarney Computer Services have 35 years experience in computing and 15 years Internet experience.
In the beginning
there were "Commodore Pets" "Apple 1's" and "Tandy TRS80's" and one of the very first computer games (battleshiips) was exnibited at a show in 1978
we were there ! -
Then came Video Machines
Video machine conversion and repairs,
testing of all the Computer boards for the very first quiz machine Quizmaster ....
we were there !
And then there were thousands
ZX Spectrum, Acorn Atoms, Apple ii, Commodore 64's Amiga's, Memotek's, DAI's Atari ST's and IBM pc's
we were there ! -
Now there are only three
Well three main ones anyway, Wiindoze Linux and Mac OS , we use all three but mainly Mac OS and Linux as they just work also we run an asterisk VOIP server and a small webserver.